Healthy Starts Here
What is MICRO Z
Nature's Purest, Natural Zeolite
Not all zeolite is equal! Healthy Earth 4 Life's MICRO Z Zeolite is lab-tested and certified to be the purest quality available ... it is a True Zeolite. Many other products offered in the market may be laden with various contaminants, but MICRO Z Zeolite is the cleanest, purest product available. Because of its' untainted purity, MICRO Z has the ability to actually remove heavy metals and toxins from your body. It is a natural mineral in its’ purest form. Boost your immune system and improve your health when you capture and remove everyday toxins found in water, food, and your environment which become trapped in your body and quietly degrade your health. For a healthy and beneficial daily supplement, MICRO Z is designed to capture and remove those harmful toxins building up in your body.​ MICRO Z is sourced, formed, processed, and proudly produced solely in the United States of America.
How Healthy Are You?
The human body is smart. It has built-in information structures to detox (filter out) toxins. Your detox (or filter) organs include your liver, your kidneys, your skin, and your lungs. Your body's digestive, lymphatic, and circulatory systems all play a key role in the process of detoxification. The Nemours Foundation describes body toxins as 'a toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. Toxins can come from food, from water, from chemicals used to grow or prepare food, and even from the air we breathe. Our bodies process these toxins through organs like the liver and kidneys and eliminates them in the form of sweat, urine, and feces'. MICRO Z helps our 'detox organs' to efficiently eliminate the toxins from our body.
The Foods We Eat
We've all seen the toothpaste ads where the dentist tells us that the sugars and acids we consume are really hard on our teeth. Well, what are they doing to the rest of our bodies? Between the environment and not always making the best dietary decisions, our bodies are a battlefield full of the damaged by-products left behind by that exposure. MICRO Z is nature's way of absorbing those harmful by-products that are left behind. MICRO Z is unsurpassed at filtering out those by-products, so your body's immune system can maintain a better level of health.
Invisible Toxins
Invisible toxins contaminate the food we eat, the water we drink, the environment we live in, and the very air we breath. What can we do to counteract the effects of these toxins? What can we do to live healthy lives without living in fear of the invisible toxins, the invisible poisons we have around us? What can we do when our system is being overwhelmed? MICRO Z is the logical choice. MICRO Z is a natural substance that can naturally absorb those toxins and allow our bodies to eliminate them.
Water Toxins and Nuclear Radiation
Tap water polluted with contaminants including heavy metals such as lead, in addition to virulent microorganisms, chlorine, fluoride, and industrial wastes is a major health hazard in North America. Public water systems are often in violation of Federal Standards for tap water and fail to provide consumers with information on the tap water they use. Research has determined that exposure to contaminated water further raises the risk of developing cancer and other detrimental health effects. Disturbingly, nothing is being done about the problem. Furthermore, working and or living near a nuclear power plant also presents a cancer risk. Radioactive gases released into the air from nuclear plants returns to the earth in rainfall, contaminating both water supply and soil. This pollution easily makes its way up the food chain and into our grocery cart. Many are unaware of their exposure to the dangerous carcinogens in the foods they eat. MICRO Z helps eliminate these toxins from our body.
pH ... What is It?
Your body, just like a swimming pool, maintains a balance between acid and alkaline states. Everything, from the cells in your body to the ocean, is affected by their pH levels. Remember (back in science class) that pH stands for 'potential hydrogen'. It's the measurement of the hydrogen icons in a fluid ... like the fluid we have in our cells and tissues. Well, when your pH is off ... you're off. The same way that a swimming pool starts to turn green and gross, the fluids in you starts to turn gross. Just like the environment has an affect on the pool, it has an affect on you. When your pH goes below 7 (the neutral zone), your body becomes more acidic. Ask yourself, has too much acid of anything been good for you? No! MICRO Z absorbs the damaged by-products left in us from what the environment and our diets leave behind. Remove those by-products and your pH balance will resume to about 7.4 and restore your health.